Pictures 8/08/06

Below you can see additional pictures that I could not include in the Prayer Update e-mails.


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After attending the wedding reception for our friends Chad and Alissa,

some of the younger Wallers created their own Playdoh version.



I was amazed at the detail. Note the "rose petals" on the white carpet,

and the ring bearer with his pillow.



Did you know that you can burn play-dough? I was trying to make my

own homemade batch for a craft at the children's seminar, but did not

realize how quickly it would "cook."



Starting on Monday afternoon with "Teacher Training", we went over the

lessons that we would be teaching that evening.



Part of the training included a skit on how NOT to work with your team.



It would have been funnier if I hadn't actually made most of these mistakes

before while teaching.



The welcome board was prepared for the first night.



It was a real blessing to have my sisters Rachelle and Sarah at the




After the training time, the teams worked to plan their lessons for the




Janice working at the supply station.



Soon the first children began to arrive.



A total of twenty children came, and were divided into three teams for

the small group teaching time. Here Mary and Caitlin teach about

God's special design for each person.



A smile from one of our students.



On Monday night, I shared a story about one of God's amazing works

of creation, the ant. After learning about how the ant uses its sense of

smell, a volunteer tried to guess what was in the paper bag.



Are you sure it smells like popcorn?



Making large group a little more interesting, we were visited by

"Wannamaleekii Luaaw" who asked the children about the story.

He actually managed to play a few chords on his ukulele.



Through the week we studied some of the names of God. On Monday

we learned about "Elohim", God our Creator.



Visiting one of the teams, I found that they had connected their ants

together, just like the jungle ants that I had described in the story!



Timothy helps one of the students with their ant craft.



I even brought a live ant to show the students the two characteristics

that scientifically identify an ant. The bent antenna, and the "waist", an

indentation around the ant's center body segment.



A student shows me her ant. Why they only have four legs is something

that I need to discuss with our craft design committee.  :-)



Rachelle and Madison play the part of the sailors in the Jonah story.

Acting out some of the stories as skits helps make them more

memorable for the students.



Theresa shows her team how to make the "Justice Spinner" craft.



Madison helped out on one of the teams when Caitlin was not able to

be there.



The variety of crafts and activities helped reinforce the concepts while

making things interesting for younger children.



The "Canaanite soldiers of AI" weren't going to be intimidated by the




In fact, they were quite smug after defeating the Israelites in the first battle.



Back at the Israeli camp, there were some serious discussions going on.



Achan thought that no one had seen him do wrong, but all of Israel soon

learned that nothing is hidden from God.


In the second battle, the Israelites were victorious, and although we

missed getting pictures of the battle, it was memorable indeed!



On Thursday, we talked about how God is our Shepherd who loves and

cares for each one of us.



After two of the teachers had called to say they would not be able to

make it to the seminar that night, Derrick drove down from our farm to

lead their team that evening.



Is your mouth watering? We enjoyed a picnic lunch on Friday after

singing at a local nursing home.



Here, catch!



It was over ninety degrees, but that did not prevent us from enjoying a

few minutes of recreation before heading back to the Miller's home to

rest and prepare for Saturday.



In the large group assemblies, we practiced our songs and verses,

getting ready for the parent presentation that afternoon. Through the week,

the children learned all the verses to Psalm 20.



Caitlin sharing with her team.



Sarah helps a student with one of the crafts.



In one of the large groups, I shared a story of how God delights to

make something beautiful from our mistakes, if we turn to Him.



Janice, (left) coordinated the Children's Program, even while her family

was in the midst of a move.



Rachelle did a great job playing the piano for the songs we were learning.



Our final story was to be a skit of David and Goliath, and Paul

volunteered to play the part of Goliath.



Goliath and his armor bearers paused for the cue before joining the story.



I think I would have been scared too, from the looks of this guy! But

our "David" (Left) didn't seem afraid.



A drywall square that "Goliath" happened to have in the back of his truck

made an impressive sword. Our "David" used it gently to remove the

wig from the fallen giant.



After dragging the "slain" giant out of the way, I was able to wrap up the

story with a challenge to trust God as we face the giants of our day.



Returning to the farm, I found Derrick working to repair his haybine.



Reinforcing the broken axle with some extra steel, Derrick welded the

parts back together.



The newly installed air conditioners have been a great blessing to our family.

This picture was taken just minutes after installing the first one.



That night our prayers were answered, and the clouds moved in to bring

in the much-needed rain.



Taken maybe a week earlier, this was one of the last pictures taken

while the barn roof was still standing. For safety reasons, none of us

were allowed to go into the hayloft.



That night the wind and rain caused the roof to collapse.



Matthew and Samuel survey the wreckage.



Some new additions to the farm include these calves.



The day after the barn fell also marked the arrival of fifty young pigs.



At age 13, Samuel takes part in many responsibilities at the farm.



Sarah poses for a picture on some giant logs cut from the cottonwood

trees that used to stand in front of our house.



Lydia was delighted to find another cat that found its way to our farm.



Derrick's corn is making a comeback with the recent rainfall.



The antique copulas were unhurt in the collapse of the barn.



Using some extension ladders, we worked to recover the copulas from

the fallen ridge.



They were not extremely heavy, just a bit awkward to handle.



Dad helps me carry down the top of the second copula.



They don't look very big on top of the barn, but that perspective changes

when you see them up close.



On Saturday morning we gathered at the barn for a

"Family Work Day."



The task before us was huge, but the Lord blessed the day with cooler

weather as we began the project.



Everyone helped, even the youngest Wallers, as we bagged up the

old roofing materials.



Sarah and Samuel worked together on a section of the fallen roof.



Some of the roofing materials were easier to pry off from the top.



Matthew helped load barrels of old cedar shake shingles to be burned.



The prying and sorting was a tedious task, but fun to do together as a




Rachelle came out with cookies and Kool-Aid for everyone, and we

took some time to rest.



Ladders helped in working on some of the higher sections.



David worked to carefully remove the unbroken window from the end of

the barn, reducing the hazards of broken glass.



The asphalt shingles had to be separated from the older cedar shake




The Lord blessed us with safety on the project, and we had no significant

injuries or accidents.



Matthew worked very hard picking up cedar shakes, and helping

wherever he could.



Samuel and Rachelle load bags of shingles into the wheelbarrow.



Long tamarack poles were used in the construction of the barn.



Matthew enjoyed climbing, but we tried to have him stay on the lower

sections of the barn.



Samuel prepares to step down to the ladder.



I paused, trying to decide the safest way to throw down this heavy

rafter. I finally decided to let it cartwheel down the fallen roof into the barnyard.



A moment to regret! I didn't realize how far it would go, and my throw

sent my Dad running for cover, only to trip backwards over the metal hay

elevator! Thankfully he was not hurt in the process.



Dad carried many loads of cedar shake shingles out to the burn barrel.



A great deal of progress was made, thanks to all the willing workers.



Later that afternoon, Derrick and David worked to dismantle some of the

more precarious sections.



Dad, David and Derrick carefully lower the hayloft barn door.



Stopping by for a visit, my uncle also helped us with the project.



We haven't yet settled on a plan for the future of the barn, but one idea

is to build a simple roof over the main floor section.



Another recent project was to rewax the reeds in the accordion that my

Grandpa had given me. The wax was old and brittle, and some of the

reeds were nearly falling off the block. The first step was to carefully

remove all of the reeds and old wax.



I was able to obtain a book on accordion repair from the library, and

this gave me an idea of how to attempt the repair.



Pouring the new wax was not an easy job, as I soon discovered.

Here you can see some of my mistakes on my first attempt. A table

knife, I discovered, worked much better to guide the hot wax between

the reeds.



I didn't have time to rewax all the reed banks, but at least the instrument

was up and running well enough to take to a nursing home last Sunday.

One older lady especially enjoyed the accordion.



Hope you enjoyed the pictures!! 


Special thanks to Madison for the additional pictures from the Children's

Program in Shorewood.



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